Nuovi dati sulla stratigrafia e sull’evoluzione geomorfologica del bacino lacustre pleistocenico del F. Noce (Basilicata)
New data on stratigraphy and geomorphological evolution of pleistocene lacustrine basin of Noce river (Basilicata)
Lacustrine basins, Geomorphology, Tectonics, Pleistocene, Southern ApenninesAbstract
Lacustrine sediments, outcropping in the Noce river valley, have been studied. Two stratigraphic successions have been singled out, the first mainly conglomeratic, the second mainly clay-sand; the relation between these materials is heteropic. The poligenic conglomeratic deposits, found in the northern and central zone of the basin, have been interpreted as fluviolacustrine coming from northern streams (Lagonegrese area) to fill the lake. The clay-sand deposits, found in the southern part of the basin, have been interpreted as lacustrine sensu strictu and show the paleo environmental and depositional evolution of the area. A geomorphological analysis has been carried out and a morphoevolutive succession has been envisaged by the study of the main perimetral fault scarps and of the lacustrine and pre-lacustrine morphologies. The barring of PaleoNoce, due to a tectonic movement along ancient regional fault lines, created the endoreic basin. At first the lake was filled with sediments, according to the regressive stratigraphic succession, then cut by fluvial incision related to an important variation of the local base level (due to other tectonic movements). Although we don’t have direct geochronological data, there are regional geomorphological data that allow us to affirm the lacustrine event came true between the end of Lower Pleistocene and the beginning of Middle Pleistocene.
Copyright (c) 2024 Salvatore La Rocca, Nicoletta Santangelo (Author)

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