

Formatting Requirements

Manuscripts should be prepared either in British or American English. Style must be coherent throughout all the text, figures, tables, and supplementary material. For further details, please refer to the Paper template.

Use a standard serif font (e.g., Times New Roman) and 11-point font size. For special characters, please use Symbol.

Double-space all text, including figure captions and references.

Please do not have any layout (except for those provided in the template) or ad hoc styles. The standard functions for type styles – such as bold or italics – are to be used; however, please avoid boldface and underlines if not strictly necessary.

Number all pages consecutively.


Title Page

Title page should include a short and informative title, author names separated by commas, authors affiliations, and corresponding author's contact information.


Marisabel S. ABBOTT 1, John SMITH 2, 3, Ignacio Mohammad FUNG 3,*

1 Department, Institution, City, Province, State
2 Department, Institution, City, Province, State
3 Department, Institution, City, Province, State

* Correspond to:

Abstract in English (maximum 300 words or 2500 characters spaces included) summarizing the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.

Keywords in the number of 4 to 6 to assist with indexing.

In addition, the authors could insert an abstract and key words in the language of the Country in which the work has been carried out.


Acknowledgments for individuals, organizations, or funding sources that contributed to the research should be reported after keywords.


Main Text

Organize the manuscript into sections: Introduction, Study Area (when applicable), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Section names are all capitalized and not numbered and are preceded by two empty lines; subsections are admitted, their title should be italicized and should be preceded by an empty lines.

INTRODUCTION should provide a concise overview of the literature and the current state of knowledge that the study addresses. Clearly state the research problem, objectives and/or hypotheses.

STUDY AREA, when applicable, should briefly describe the geographical location and characteristics of the study area, including relevant climatic conditions and geological/geomorphological context in which the study was conducted.

MATERIALS AND METHODS should describe the used materials and the applied methods, including data collection and data analysis. Detail the methods employed for data collection, whether through field surveys, remote sensing, laboratory analysis, or other techniques. Explain the statistical or analytical methods used to process and interpret the collected data, include information on the instruments, software, and tools used, providing sufficient detail to enable reproducibility.

RESULTS should report main finding of the study in a clear and organized manner. Use tables and figures appropriately to illustrate key findings. Consider providing raw data in supplementary materials if necessary.

DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION (separated) should report the interpretation of the results in the context of the research question and objectives. Comparison of the findings with relevant studies in the field is encouraged, discussing similarities, differences, and potential reasons for discrepancies. Discuss the broader implications of the results.




All figures must be suitable for reproduction without being retouched or redrawn, if not requested by the Editorial Board. All images in the manuscript text must be cited (e.g., fig. 1; figs 1, 2 and 3). They should be numbered consecutively as in the main text appearance with Arabic numbers. The captions should be collected at the end of the main text, after reference, in a dedicated section. 

For submission of digital artwork, each figure should be saved as separate file and appropriately named (e.g., fig1.*). Each submitted file should not exceed 10 MB and the total dimension of any electronic submission should not exceed 200 MB. After acceptance for publication, high quality figures will be requested if not previously furnished.


Photographs and figures in raster (jpg - compression rate at least 9/12, tiff) or vectorial (AI, EPS, PDF, SVG) format should fit one-, one and half- or two-column width (85, 127.5 or 170 mm in width, respectively). The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reduce or enlarge illustrations that do not respect these specifics. The authors should check that image resolution will be greater or equal to 300 PPI and all lettering will still be legible after that the figures are resized to fit the column(s).

  mm pixels at 300 ppi pixels at 600 ppi
One-column 85 1004 2008
1.5-column 127.5 1506 3012
Two-columns 170 2008 4016


Sans-serif fonts (i.e., Arial, Helvetica, or Roboto) should be preferred in texts and labels. Panels must be lower-case bold labelled between round brackets. The use of minimal background or halo to enhance the contrast of the label is encouraged if necessary.  

Colour figures will be accepted; however, the cost will be charged to the Author. In case of coloured figures, authors are encouraged to use perceptively inclusive palettes (e.g., Crameri et al., 2020) as much as possible and in case of b/w printed version, they should verify that the readability is preserved.


The Authors are encouraged to follow the “Carta Geomorfologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 - Aggiornamento ed integrazioni delle linee guida della Carta Geomorfologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 e Banca Dati geomorfologica (Fascicolo I, Versione 2.0)” guidelines in the production and submission of geomorphological maps (




Tables should be compiled on a separate sheet and file named coherently (Tab_1.*). They should be numbered consecutively as in the main text appearance with arabic numbers. A title and/or a caption should be provided for each table and collected at the end of the main text, and they should be referred in the text. Cite all tables in the manuscript text as "table 1" or "tables 1 and 2".




Citation in text

All references cited in the text must be included in the reference list (and vice versa). The inclusion of unpublished results and personal communications in the reference list is not recommended, but they may be referenced in the text. If these references are incorporated into the reference list, the standard reference style of the journal should be followed, and the publication date should be substituted with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication.' The term 'in press' is utilized to indicate that the item has been accepted for publication. Use of the DOI is highly encouraged.


Web references should, at a minimum, include the complete URL and the date of the last access. Any additional information, if available (such as DOI, author names, dates, or a reference to a source publication), should also be provided. If preferred, web references can be distinctly listed (e.g., after the reference list) under a separate heading or can be integrated into the reference list.


Reference Style

The literature in the text should be inserted in round brackets in full for single or dual authors (Ballantyne, 2002; Soldati and Marchetti, 2017) but (Baroni et al., 2022) for multiple authors.

Reference should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the main text in the following standard form:



Ballantyne C.K., 2002. Paraglacial geomorphology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 1935-2017.

Baroni C., Tenti M., Bart P.J., Salvatore M.C., Gasperini L., Busetti M., Sauli C., Stucchi E.M., Tognarelli A., 2022. Antarctic Ice Sheet re-advance during the Antarctic Cold Reversal identified in the Western Ross Sea. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 45 (1), 3-18.

Vacchi M., Engelhart S.E., Nikitina D., Ashe E.L., Peltier W.R., Roy K., Kopp R.E., Horton B.P., 2018. Postglacial relative sea-level histories along the eastern Canadian coastline. Quaternary Science Reviews, 201, 124-146.



Summerfield M.A. (Ed.), 2000. Geomorphology and Global Tectonics. Wiley, Chichester, 367 pp.

Soldati M., Marchetti M. (Eds), 2017. Landscapes and Landforms of Italy. World Geomorphological Landscapes Book Series (WGLC). Springer, Cham, 539 pp.

CGI-CNR, Comitato Glaciologico Italiano & Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, 1961. Catasto dei Ghiacciai Italiani, Anno Geofisico Internazionale 1957-1958. Ghiacciai del Piemonte. Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, v. 2, 324 pp.

Campobasso C., Carton A., Chelli A., D’Orefice M., Dramis F., Graciotti R., Guida D., Pambianchi G., Peduto F., Pellegrini L., 2018. Aggiornamento ed integrazioni delle linee guida della carta geomorfologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000. Carta geomorfologica d’Italia - 1:50.000. Quaderni del Servizio Geologico Nazionale, s. III, 13 (I), 95 pp.


Articles in volume:

Anderson J.B., Bartek L.R., 1992. Cenozoic glacial history of the Ross Sea revealed by intermediate resolution seismic reflection data combined with drill site Information. In: Kennet J.P., Warnke D.A. (Eds), The Antarctic Paleoenvironment: A Perspective on Global Change, 231-263. Antarctic Research Series, 56. American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., 385 pp.

Pellegrini L., Vercesi P.L., 2017. Landscapes and landforms driven by geological structures in the Northwestern Apennines. In: Soldati M., Marchetti M. (Eds), Landscapes and Landforms of Italy, 203-213. World Geomorphological Landscapes Book Series (WGLC). Springer, Cham.


Thematic maps (if not associated to articles):

Servizio Geologico d’Italia & Regione Veneto, 2000. Carta Geomorfologica 1:50.000. Foglio 063 Belluno. Progetto CARG, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma.

Dal Piaz G.V., Brack P., Pennacchioni G., Carton A., Pellegrini G.B., Baroni C., Bollettinari G., Del Longo M., Lanaro A., Leso M., Marcato E., Rigatti G., 2008. Carta Geologica d'Italia, Foglio 058 M. Adamello (at the scale of 1:50,000). APAT, Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo. Servizio Geologico d'Italia. Progetto CARG, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Roma.

Dal Piaz G.V., Castellarin A., Martin S., Selli L., Carton A., Pellegrini G.B., Casolari E., Daminato F., Montresor L., Picotti V., Prosser G., Santuliana E., Cantelli L., 2007. Note illustrative della carta geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 42 Malè. APAT, Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo. Servizio Geologico d’Italia. Progetto CARG, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Firenze, 143 pp.


Annual glaciological surveys:

Baroni C., Bondesan A., Carturan L., Chiarle M., (Eds) 2020. Annual glaciological survey of Italian glaciers (2019). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 43 (1), 45-142.

CGI - Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 1928-1977. Relazioni delle campagne glaciologiche - Reports of the glaciological surveys. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Series I (1-25) and II (1-25). http://

CGI - Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 1978-2018. Relazioni delle campagne glaciologiche - Reports of the glaciological surveys. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 1-41. en/i-ghiacciai-italiani/le-campagne-glaciologiche/


Journal abbreviations source

Journal names should be in full, extended form.




Use the international system of units (SI) or their equivalent in SI if other units are mentioned.

Use comma for indicating values > 10,000 and dots for decimals. Chilo years and million years should be abbreviated as ka and Ma, respectively.  




Avoid using footnotes if possible. However, if strictly necessary, they should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.




Editable text (such as the MS Word built-in function), rather than images, should be used for the submission of mathematical equations. Simple formulae should be integrated in line with regular text whenever feasible, employing the solidus (/) for small fractional terms (e.g., X/Y), or exponential notation. Use the central dot as multiplicative term. Italicize variables as a general practice. The notation "exp" is often more convenient for denoting powers of e. Equations that need to be displayed separately from the text, specifically those explicitly referred to in the text, should be numbered consecutively (i.e., Eq. xx).




Include supplementary material if necessary, with clear references in the main text. Maps will be published as Supplementary Material together with the main text.