About the Journal
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria - Physical Geography and Quaternary Dynamics
GFDQ is a six-monthly international journal recognized by the IAG - lnternational Association of Geomorphologists, published by the Italian Glaciological Committee (Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, CGI) under the auspices of the AIGEO (Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology) and CNR (National Research Council of Italy). Founded in 1978, it is the continuation of the Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano.
GFDQ publishes open access original research papers (research papers, geomorphological maps and data paper), review papers, short communications, of Physical Geography, Glaciology, Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology.
To consult the archive of past issues, please see: https://archivio.glaciologia.it/
To subscribe to the printed version of the journal, please contact Edizioni ETS by writing an e-mail to journals@edizioniets.com and amministrazione@edizioniets.com.
Print subscription options:
Personal subscription: 40.00 €
Institutional subscription: 80.00 €
Past printed issues:
Personal subscription: 40.00 €
Institutional subscription: 80.00 €
Single issue (printed): 20.00 €
Single past issue (printed): 20.00 €
Commissionary discount: 10%
Members of CGI (Italian Glaciological Committee) and AIGEO (Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology): 35% discount (26.00 € annual fee, including shipping cost to Italy)